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Vintage Light Balls

Sponsors and Partners

Greener Good is a community grassroots effort where individuals, organizations and companies alike can make a difference reducing waste in our community, STEAM and sustainability education, and materials for classrooms. Working together with area organizations and companies is crucial in making the biggest impact possible. Whether it is in-kind donations of materials, sponsorship of our programs and events, partnering on fun activities, or volunteering, it all contributes to impacting our community.


Arlington Heights Memorial Library


University Name

Partners for our Community


DagLOGO (1).avif

Dress a Girl Around the World is a campaign under Hope 4 Women International (a 501(c)  organization) bringing dignity to women around the world since 2006. Visit their website to learn more at Hope 4 Women International

Interested in connecting, fill out the form below or reach out via phone or email.

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